Terms & Conditions

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The self-recorded video interview (Hereinafter referred to as "Screening") that you are going to undertake is a service provided by EnableX to its client (Hereinafter referred to as "Company"), which has published a position to seek interested candidates for employment and aims to conduct interviews, both self-recorded and live, electronically between its authorized persons and job seekers.

By proceeding to make a Screening, you explicitly agree to the following terms and conditions.

  1. You have arrived at this page and terms by willingly clicking on the provided link in any of the Company’s publications, online or otherwise, and have agreed to participate in this evaluation process.
  2. EnableX shall register you as a Candidate using the information provided by you prior to initiating the Screening application.
  3. EnableX shall then proceed to provide you with the ability to create a self-recorded video interview on its platform.
  4. You expressly and explicitly consent to being recorded (in audio and video) for the purpose of being evaluated for employment by the Company.
  5. You also expressly and explicitly consent to being analysed for emotion states through analysis of your video stream for the Company to evaluate.
  6. You shall answer the queries displayed on the Screening interface for evaluation by the Company, through its authorized personnel who will check the list of job seekers who created and submitted the video interview data on this website.
  7. EnableX shall use your email address and/or phone number to send communication relevant to the recruitment process to you, on behalf of the Company.
  8. All content on this website is owned by EnableX. You may not use it without our written permission, except in the instance that you are specifically invited to do so.
  9. All rights including copyright of video interview data created and submitted by job seekers shall be transferred to EnableX.
  10. EnableX shall not be held liable in any way for system interruption, delay, suspension, loss of data, damage caused by unauthorized access to data, or any other damage caused to you or the Company in connection with the Services of this Website due to a failure of communication lines, computers, etc.
  11. In addition, if our company is not liable pursuant to these Terms, our company is not liable.
  12. EnableX will properly protect the personal information of job seekers registered within the Service in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  13. EnableX may use, copy, disclose or provide to third parties any information registered in the service without requiring any consent.
  14. EnableX will always take the best measures for the storage of personal information in accordance with laws and regulations, and if requested by job seekers, we will delete and delete the personal information safely.
  15. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, personal information may be disclosed to a third party in any of the following cases:
    1. Cases in which the consent of the subject of personal information has been obtained in advance
    2. Cases where disclosure is required under laws and regulations
    3. Cases where it is necessary for the protection of the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the principal
    4. Cases in which it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health and the promotion of sound upbringing of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the principal
    5. When there is a need for cooperation by a national agency, a local government, or a person entrusted by a national agency or a local government for the execution of affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and when obtaining the consent of the principal is likely to interfere with the execution of said affairs
  16. If the personal information of the job seeker registered in this service is leaked to a third party, our company assumes no responsibility whatsoever, and it shall be absolved at the responsibility and cost of the user company which received the personal information.
  17. Courts at New Delhi, India shall be the courts of jurisdiction in the first instance for all disputes, claims, etc. relating to the Services and the Terms.